Behind every successful person, is a team of people that have along the way helped them get to where they are. No man or woman is an island and none of us can go the distance alone. We all need someone in our corner, helping us see our blind-spots, opening the right doors, fostering the right conversations.
What is a personal board of directors?
Gone are the days where a mentor-mentee relationship lasted for years. Work is becoming more agile and women are demanding more out of their careers. A personal board of directors is a group of women that are your cheerleaders but more importantly, fulfill a different role in how they help you navigate your career and your life. Here are the top five women, every gal needs on her own personal board of directors.
1. Someone who tells it to you straight
This woman isn’t someone who is going to mince words or beat around the bush. She is going to check your blindspots and give it to you straight. While this kind of ‘director’ can be a little intimidating at first, they serve the important task of helping you recognize your weaknesses and improve. They know how to deliver constructive feedback and the best way to benefit from someone like this is to be open-minded, listen, have a thick skin and take the feedback on board. Wouldn’t you rather someone tell you where you need to shape up before it becomes a problem?
2. Someone who has been in your shoes
This ‘director’ is someone who has at some point walked a similar path to yours and faced and overcome similar hurdles. Either they were in a difficult professional situation, e.g. had to work with a challenging boss, were passed over for a promotion, or were laid off at some point in their careers. They can empathize with what you’re going through and help you navigate the challenges. Plus it does feel good to talk to someone you can relate to, who will lend a sympathetic ear.
3. Someone either a lot older or a lot younger
This ‘director’ has either seen it all or brings a completely fresh take on things. What each of these individuals bring to the table is the value of perspective. Someone much older can help guide you and keep you from repeating their mistakes. Someone a lot younger might have a completely new way of doing things and can help you be more agile and adaptable to change. Both bring great insight and should have a seat at your board table.
4. Someone who is your biggest cheerleader
No this is not your mom. This is someone you may have worked with like a manager or teammate who really loved your work, thinks you bring a lot to the table and is the first person you would want to call for a reference. This woman has seen you stumble, pick yourself up and come back stronger than ever and they are fully in your corner. We all need a cheerleader so be sure to have yours at your board table.
5. Someone who is well connected in your profession
Most of us know someone like this. They know everyone, are naturally good at making connections but most importantly are happy to make introductions to help people in their field. This woman is typically well situated herself professionally and can open doors to new opportunities for new talent.
So there it is. The five women every gal needs on her personal board of directors. It’s totally okay, if you don’t have all five yet. Just know that as you navigate your career, you’ll meet a lot of different people and many of them will want to see you succeed. Remember, these women didn’t do it alone either!